Lotus Flower: Meaning in Hindu Culture
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Vegetation, in some cultures, is used for various purposes. This is not the case in all cultures. Some plants have a sacred aspect. This is for example the case of lotus flower.
This plant is differently interpreted according to tradition. In India For example, it is a very sacred plant. This sacrality is also found in Buddhist and Egyptian cultures.
The historicity and meaning of the lotus flower in India
In Indian culture, the lotus is a sacred flower. It is an aquatic plant, classified in the family of neuluminaceae. This flower is in principle the national flower of India and also Vietnam. The lotus flower was representative of one of the political parties in India.
It is the nationalist party of the Indian people. The lotus flower therefore comes from Asia and particularly from the Indian sub continent that takes into account:
- Sri Lanka
- India
- Nepal
- The Maldives
- Pakistan
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
Some people also confuse lotus flower at nenuphar. These two plants, although they are aquatic, are very distinct. Lotus flower is above water while the water lily, he floats on the water. Lotus flower, in some religions in the East, is a divine symbol.
This is the case in the Buddhist religion but also in Brahmanism. The lotus flower is often associated with God Vishnu. The latter is represented by a lotus eye.
The same Brahma God is associated with the lotus flower. The Sarasvati and Lakshmi goddesses are also associated with the lotus flower. The story also tells that the lotus flower is also used by the Buddha god for the latter to lay down when it makes a trip.
The lotus is also frequently found in Indian culture especially in art in the temples and the altars of centers. It is also used as decorative object. As for the imaging of the lotus flower, it must be understood that the latter is very powerful. Indeed, it is the lotus that represents the throne of the different divinities.
This lotus is made in its blooming form. As an understanding of the significance of the lotus flower, the latter really represents everything that is pure. She is then the symbol of:
- The purity of the body
- Prosperity
- Fertility
- Eternity of life
- Longevity, life expectancy
- Elevation because of the lightness of the plant
These symbols are very strong and deserve to be revered in Indian culture. The story also says that the flower of the lotus is like The karma that leads to illumination and awakening. Lotus flower is also estimated in Indian culture by positioning.
The latter is asked so as to hide the feet of the divinity that is sitting like the Buddha and Indian yoga practitioners. Symbolicly, in Indian culture, some people bear the name of Lotus.
This name is translated for men by Kamal and Kamala. This actually means a benevolent promise of the deities. In the Indian capital, a building is even devoted to the representation of the lotus flower. This is the realization of the great Iranian architect FARIBORZ SAHBA.
This building was baptized the Lotus Temple and is open for all religions. This incredible work was inaugurated in 1986.
The symbol of the blue lotus in Egypt
In Egypt Also, the lotus has a great meaning. The plant is part of the nympheaceae. Unlike the Indian lotus flower, the Egyptian one is not above the water, but rather floats on the water.
In Egypt, the origin of the lotus flower comes from a goddess who lost life under the stroke of jealousy. Its origin is attributed to the Persians.
The lotus flower is represented on the Egyptian tombs. It indicates reincarnation and rebirth because these flowers can be renewed at sunrise.
Lotus flower and Buddhism
Lotus flower in the Buddhism represents the purity of the mind and body. This flower is often welcomed by muddy water. This image of the lotus refers to the charnel desire. This immaculate plant appears on the surface of the water seeking light to be led to the spiritual elevation.
In Buddhism, Lotus flower is associated with Buddha and its teachings. For the eastern people, it is a sacred flower. Depending on the legend, the lotus flower has flourished wherever the son of Buddha puts his steps.
In classical literatureLotus flower means elegance, protection, perfection. This flower is associated with the ideal female attributes. For science, lotus flower remains a mystery. It can not be characterized with specificity. On the other hand, in yoga, the lotus flower is a meditation posture.
The meaning of the tattoo of the lotus flower
According to the culture, the lotus flower is used in the tattoo. It has several meanings. When we take the Japanese context, the lotus tattoo means strength and individuality.
In women the lotus tattoo is placed on the upper back of the woman. The lotus flower also has very significant colors.
The meaning of the colors of the lotus flower
The lotus can be white. This color means the perfection of thought and the Spirit. This flower when white is represented most often by 8 petals.
The lotus can also be blue. This color of the lotus means the knowledge and wisdom. It is also the color of triumph. This interpretation is due to the fact that it is a flower that never reveals its interior because it is always closed.
The red lotus often refers to the nature of the heart and candor. The red flower also indicates the Passion, compassion and love. This is the favorite color to perform a representation of the Buddha.
Finally, the pink lotus flower is the most important flower of all the lotus. The latter is representative of the Indian deities.
The meaning of the lotus flower in Greek mythology
The Lotophages were a people from North Africa. This people were recognized for its particular food.
The peculiarity of these flowers is to provoke in them a kind of amnesia or to facilitate sleep. This Greek mythology is illustrated especially in a famous document. It is The Odyssey of Homer. In his novel, the latter illustrates the effectiveness of the lotus flower.
Indeed, three men sent on an island have consumed this product and have lost partially memory. This is how this plant has been recognized as very effective for Facilitate forgetting in humans. So, many people perceive the lotus as a means of Renaissance and perpetual recommence.
The lotus can still know many interpretations around the world. We mentioned those who are the best known through the civilizations of some peoples. It's a thousand facet flower which is present in many religious beliefs.